Malet Roquefort by La Gaffeliere 3Château La Connivence Pomerol 2015

Kód: V0988
7 670 Kč / Ks 10 226,67 Kč / 1 l
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Jedinečné víno z Pomerolu s unikátním charakterem z jedné z nejvýznamnějších apelací Bordeaux. Dokonalé víno nejen na uložení do sklepa.

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Château La Connivence Pomerol 2015

Le Domaines de Malet Roquefort

Rozloha vinice: 1,40 hektaru

Půda: jíl a oblázkový štěrk

Alkohol: 13,5%

Odrůdové složení: 70% Merlot, 30% Cabernet Franc

Hluboké vrstevnaté aroma tmavého bobulového ovoce, fialek, hořké čokolády, lékořice a uzeného masa. Chuť je výrazná s tóny ostružin, čokolády, mletého pepře a minerálně svěžím závěrem.

Jedinečné víno z Pomerolu s unikátním charakterem z jedné z nejvýznamnějších apelací Bordeaux. Dokonalé víno nejen na uložení do sklepa.



Vineyard Area: 1.40 hectare

Soil: clay and gravel

Blend: 70% Merlot, 30% Cabernet Franc


S úctou a respektem k této apelaci jsme se rozhodli přistoupit k systému udržitelného zemědělství s maximálním respektem k životnímu prostředí. Půda je tradičně orána koněm, k ochraně révy jsou zde používány pouze fytosanitárními produkty a hrozny jsou ručně sbírány do malých beden.


Château la Connivence je vinifikována v malých nerezových nádržích s nejmodernějším termoregulačním systémem. Tato nová vinifikační místnost umožňuje velmi přesnou práci přizpůsobenou sklizni jednotlivých malých částí vinice.


Château la Connivence je na nových sudech z francouzského dubu po dobu 16 měsíců. V sudech také proběhne malolaktická fermentace.

Rok 2015 lze charakterizovat jako horký a suchý ročník, který dokonale vyhovuje zdejšímu jílovému terroiru. Měsíce březen a duben byly mírné a suché a vytvořili ideální podmínky pro pučení. Kvetení bylo poměrně časné (23/05), proběhlo rychle a bez problémů (malé srážky, mírné teploty). Omezené letní srážky (70 mm, stejně jako v roce 2010), umožnily postupně dohnat výrazný vodní stres, pak proběhla zelená sklizeň (05/08) pro lepší koncentraci hroznů. Několik dešťových přeháněk přišlo také v srpnu a umožnilo nasycení bobulí, to zajistilo úrodu vynikající kvality.

Počasí v roce 2015 zaručilo ideální podmínky pro sklizeň obou odrůd v perfektní kvalitě a dokonalé zralosti hroznů.


Dates of the harvest:

Merlot: 23 september and 29 september

Cabernet Franc: 6 october


To honor this appellation, we committed to sustainable agriculture, respecting the environment. The soil is plowed traditionally by horse. The vineyard is only treated with very controlled phytosanitary products. Hand picked into small crates.


Château La Connivence is vinified in small reversed truncated stainless still tanks with a state of the art thermoregulation system. This new vat-room allows a very accurate work adapted to plot by plot management.


100% new French oak barrels are used for the malolactic fermentation and the ageing. The wine is refined during 16 months in barrel.

General characteristics of the vintage:

2015 can be characterised as a hot and dry vintage, which perfectly suits our clay-limestone terroir. March and April were mild and dry, offering the ideal conditions for bud burst. Flowering was rather early (23/05) and took place quickly and without any problem (low rainfall, mild temperatures). The limited summer rainfall (70 mm, like in 2010) allowed a marked water stress to set in gradually around the time of véraison (05/08), favouring the concentration of the grapes. The few rainy spells in August allowed it to “make the must” and to guarantee a crop of good quality.

Overall, the pressure on health was very moderate and the grapes were able to ripen calmly with an ideal end to the season, without any mishap in the weather.

By the time of the harvest, the Merlots and Cabernet Francs showed high alcohol levels (14.5 to 15.5 % vol.), characteristic of dry years, and good levels of acidity The very fine temperatures in September proved very favourable, an unhoped-for Indian summer after a gloomy summer...

Ripening progressed, and the state of health in the vineyard was remarkable.

Doplňkové parametry

Kategorie: Vína dle země
Záruka: 6
? NÁZEV VINAŘSTVÍ: Domaines Comte de Malet Roquefort
? BARVA VÍNA A PERLENÍ: Červené víno
? ODRŮDA HROZNŮ: Merlot, Cabernet Franc
? KLASIFIKACE VÍNA: Bordeaux AOC Pomerol
? OBJEM LAHVE: 0,75 l

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Logo Damaines de Malet Roquefort

The Malet Roquefort family of Domaines Comte de Malet Roquefort has a three-century history in Bordeaux, having established in Saint-Émilion in 1705. The discovery of remnants of the Gallo-Roman Villa du Palat with mosaics portraying grape plantings in 1969 by Comte Léo de Malet Roquefort indicated an even deeper history of viticulture on this region. The Malet Roquefort family's original estate, Château La Gaffelière, was designated as a Saint-Émilion Premier Grand Cru Classé in 1954. The family merged three properties, Château La Gaffelière, Château Chapelle d'Aliénor, and Château Armens, under the Domaines Comte de Malet Roquefort name in 2001. Château La Gaffelière, Château Chapelle d'Aliénor, Château Armens, and Château La Connivence are among the Domaines Comte de Malet Roquefort holdings today. The Malet Roqueforts have passed down their traditions, year after generation, based on the four guiding principles of quality, elegance, authenticity, and independence. Today, Alexandre de Malet Roquefort is at the head of Domaines Comte de Malet Roquefort. He shares his forefathers' enthusiasm for wine and the terroir of Saint-Émilion, which they call home.



It was when he retired that Mr. Bonnet put his trust in Alexandre de Malet Roquefort, whose life had always been punctuated by viticultural work on the family's other properties. Since then, the new owner has invested heavily to modernize


investments to modernize the winemaking techniques. Alexandre fell in love with Château Armens, this new Grand Cru whose personality he wanted to reveal. Then in 2001, Aliénor and Alexandre de Malet-Roquefort fell under the spell of a property named Château Chapelle Maracan and located in Mouliets-et-Villemartin, next to Saint-Emilion. Beyond the richness of the terroir, it is the atypical character of the place that seduced the couple. Indeed, in the heart of the vineyard, overlooking the vines, stands an old chapel that seems to protect its land as a mother watches over her child. This love affair with Château Chapelle Maracan gave birth to a great vintage "La Chapelle d'Aliénor", which later gave its name to the whole property. Moreover, since 2008, Alexandre de Malet Roquefort is the owner of La Connivence, a small estate of 1.45 hectares located in Pomerol. This estate hides a story of friendship signed by three friends, passionate about wine, who had the same dream: to share this love for wine and try the experience together. The story of Château La Connivence was born during a dinner between friends. The idea is to make "not a good wine but a great wine".


The word connivence comes from the friendship that unites the three owners. Alongside Alexandre de Malet Roquefort are the two Girondins from Bordeaux: Matthieu Chalmé, a player with the Bordeaux club and Johan Micoud, a former international footballer who bring their enthusiasm and a fresh vision. It took Matthieu Chalmé, Alexandre de Malet and Johan Micoud two years to find the vineyard of Château La Connivence. The one that will allow them to raise a Grand Cru of Pomerol.


Rodina Malet Roquefort