Barbaresco DOCG
Barbaresco DOCG
Barbaresco je jedno z "velkých" vín Itálie a je vyrobené z odrůdy Nebbiolo, která se pěstuje v okolí obcí Barbaresco, Treiso a Neive poblíž města Alba ve vinařské oblasti Piemont.
Barbaresco je blízký příbuzný slavného vína Barolo, avšak na rozdíl od něj je přístupnější ke konzumaci mnohem dříve.
Ačkoliv se jedná o stejnou odrůdu (Nebbiolo) a vzdálenost mezi oblastmi je přibližně 16 kilometrů, Barbaresco a Barolo jsou vína velmi odlišná. Zóna Barbaresco, která se nachází jižně od řeky Tanaro, se těší mírnějšímu mořskému vlivu, který umožňuje hroznům Nebbiolo uzrát dříve, než je tomu v oblasti Barolo. Má oproti Barolu většinou měkčí třísloviny. Zákony DOCG také povolují jeho uvedení na trh o rok dříve než nařízeno pro víno Barolo.
Barbaresco DOCG
The origins of this aristocratic wine are lost in legend. Some say that the Gauls originally arrived in Italy precisely because they were attracted by a certain excellent wine called ‘Barbaritium’. Others relate that Barbaresco derived its name from the barbarian hoards that caused the fall of the Roman Empire.
It is probably true that, during Roman times, the hill where the village of Barbaresco now stands was intensely wooded and the Ligurian tribes used these forests as a hide-out to elude the deadly Roman cavalry. The Romans called this area ‘barbarica silva’, or ‘wild woods’ because it was situated on the very edge of their domains and was risky territory owing to the barbarian presence.
Professor Domizio Cavazza, the first ever headmaster of the Enological School of Alba was also the first to delineate the properties of this wine during the same period – around the second half of the 19th century – in which Count Cavour, the Marquess of Falletti and the Savoy Royal Family were all taking an interest in Barolo, the other grand red produced from the Nebbiolo grape.